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January 5, 2010
DTW Liguria, Seconda Circoscrizione del Comune di Savona

“Do the Writing! L'Associazionismo per la Creatività Urbana in Liguria" was a cultural event managed and implemented by the Ligurian UCA Duevventi, within the wider project called “Lavagnola Graffiti Blitz”, with the contribution and support of the Municipality of Savona and its First and Second administrative districts. Guests of the event, the UCAs Il Cerchio e le Gocce, Monkeys Evolution and Style Orange fromIlPiedmont, and also Evoluzioni from Campania.
For the Municipality of Savona, the event featured interventions by Isabella Sorgini, Alderman for Social Promotion, Livio di Tullio, Alderman for City Planning and Urban Quality, Federico Larosa, Councilman for Youth Policies, Roberto Ulivi and Fabio Musso, Presidents of the First and Second administrative districts, respectively, while for the Province President Angelo Vaccarezza was present.

logo Associazione Duevventi

“Our association intends to make the right to free artistic expression more and more effective”, says its President Marco Fanni, “so that one should not have to be recognized as an ‘artist’ in order to see his or her artistic rights granted, since they belong to everyone. This said, the events we organize always allow for some room for youngsters, in order for them to find and use legal tools to express themselves and have a dialogue with other, more experienced artists. Our aim is to give writing and street art the opportunity to integrate itself more and more with other forms of creativity, in order to offer to the citizens not only the aesthetic renewal of parts of the city, but also regain the full use of some city areas.

Duevventi will join the Technical Table on Urban Creativity

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