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logo AIW – Associazione Italiana Writers – Tribù dell’Indice

AIW – Associazione Italiana Writers – Tribù dell’Indice

Constitution Year: 2006
Person in charge: Gigi Muratore

AIW – Associazione Italiana Writers – Tribù dell’Indice was born in Milan in June, 2006 and with the goal of creating and promoting Street Art events in order to spread urban art and culture against city vandalism, attempting to revive some areas, lest they fall to abandon and valorising local artistic talents at the same time. We are very active in cooperating with policymakers and schools, we managed and implemented several national and international events.

AIW can count on famous names in the milieu of writing (some of them true pioneers in that field), now part of its board of directors. Created and managed like a company (each member of the board is an professional in the “creative” sector succeeds in managing with great agility and effectiveness many kinds of events, able to capture attention and really important on the social/artistic/cultural side.

Our vital partners (without them and their help, much of what we achieved would not have been possible) are TDK Art D-Vision (Milan) and CBS Crew (Los Angeles).

logo ISA Italian Street Art

ISA Italian Street Art

Constitution Year: 2007
Person in charge: Mitja Bombardieri

ISA-Italian Street Art ,a project born in 2007 out of the cooperation between some of the more significant associate artistic and professional Italian realities that, since the 90s, apply those visual trends that are proper of muralism, graffiti, street art, urban design and socio-cultural projects.

ISA constitutes a no-profit project, based on super partes social and political aggregation, supporting artists and projects in full respect of their cultures. From the first Italian event ever focused on graffiti and street art, implemented in 1999 cooperating in Brescia with BrixiaFame, several other projects have been developed in all of Italy.

Years have passed since the first bureaucratic and institutional hurdles as the Italian society became more and more aware of the huge cultural resource it could tap in the field of graffiti- and street art-related movements.
Following the maturity of these associational projects in the social and cultural fields, the necessity of managing them presented itself; thus ISA came to be and from them on, it continues to be an interlocutor of the most meaningful Italian realities in the field of urban culture.

Italian Street Art is currently a unique entity on the international level, as it intends to replicate structures similar to itself in other European countries, which already cooperate with ISA; this is the case with  Germany, Netherlands, England, France Switzerland and Spain.

logo Xpression


Constitution Year: 2001
Person in charge: Enrico Sironi

Xpression was born as a natural consequence of the cooperation and friendship between five Lombard writers and aims at evolving, after their experience, graffiti and their base philosophy and aesthetics from the tradition to something more organic and functional towards the urban environment.
Thanks to several initiatives, ranging from unconventional artistic happenings to public-and private-sponsored works of urban renewal, Xpression emerged as one of the most original and dynamical artistic realities of its area.
logo True Quality

True Quality

Constitution Year: 2011
Person in charge: Gianluca Dellara

True Quality is a cultural association founded by the union of young creative professionals, experts in urban design, public and private decoration, organizing events and workshops.
The association has as its goal the enhancement of visual public and private architecture, restoration and maintenance of urban design, creating social projects, study-color graphics, visual communication and advertising, finding in its artists and the access key to contemporary graphics, increasingly required by large companies.
True Quality works with large corporations, creating synergies in their projects, in order to raise their cultural level.
logo Another Scratch In The Wall

Another Scratch In The Wall

Constitution Year: 2018
President: Clara Amodeo

Born in 2014 from an idea created within the Walter Tobagi School of Journalism based in Milan, Italy, Another Scratch In The Wall became, as time went by, a blog (and then a website) focused on journalism and  divulgation on the themes of Urban Art, especially on Street Art and Graffiti, as well as a cultural association promoting Urban Art, especially in Milan.
Featuring news from both Italy and abroad, interviews to international artists, reviews of events, as well as photos and reports from all over the world, the Another Scratch In The Wall website is now primarily focused on Urban Creativity enthusiasts, while striving to paint an updated and accurate image of the heterogeneous reality Urban Art is currently in. Nowadays, Urban Art is torn, as it has always been, between lawfulness and illegality, between art galleries and the street, between crews, innovation and old school.
Furthermore, since it is a cultural association, Another Scratch In The Wall does also carry out Street Art Tour, both in Milan and within its environs, while providing divulgation in the field of Street Art, together with artists, gallerists and curators. These activities mostly concern artistic promenades in order for their audience to know the cities they live in, without forgetting the presence of those artists and professionals Street Art “as a job” helped put on the stage as time went by.
logo Caravan SetUp

Caravan SetUp

Constitution Year: 2018
President: Simona Gavioli

logo Art Company

Art Company

Constitution Year: 2007
President: Chiara Canali

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