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September 18, 2010
DTW Lombardia, Palazzo della Loggia, Comune di Brescia

"Do the Writing! L'Associazionismo per la Creatività Urbana in Lombardia” was an event implemented and managed by these Lombardy-based UCAs: Italian Street Art, Associazione Italiana Writers - Tribù Dell’Indice and Xpression, held at the Palazzo della Loggia, the seat of the Municipality of Brescia. On behalf of this institution, the Vice-mayor Fabio Rolfi and the Alderman for Public Works, Mario Labolani, were present.

logo AIW – Associazione Italiana Writers – Tribù dell’Indice

“The Associazione Italiana Writers - Tribù Dell’Indice mainly aims at widening and improving knowledge of Street Art and Writing”, says its President, Luigi Muratore “primarily by means of  nationwide exhibits, as well as abroad, in order to enhance artistic culture and understanding between local realities. The main goal of our events is coming together and having fun in our moments of artistic aggregation, while offering our members opportunities for social and civil growth through compliance to rules.

logo ISA Italian Street Art

“One of the first goals of our Association”, says Mitja Bombardieri, President of ISA Italian Street Art, has always been to create a nationwide network of competent people involved in urban cultures, in order to build up a strong reference in urban requalification, youth aggregation and contemporary art. Our wish is to be able to live urban spaces as part of a new Rinascimento, as an Italian model to be proud of exporting around the world”.

logo Xpression

Xpression is an association core born in 2000, out of the friendship of five Lombard writers”, says its President Enrico Sironi, “and is a collective born with the idea of  constantly evolving the idea of urban culture and graffiti, making the most of our previous experiences, transforming this art form in an organic approach in the urban landscape. Xpression espouses the cooperation between associations calling on its decades-old experience and its countless intervention in the field of cultural exchanges in order to offer rich contents”.

logo True Quality

True Quality is a cultural association founded by the union of young creative professionals, experts in urban design, public and private decoration, organizing events and workshops.

The association has as its goal the enhancement of visual public and private architecture, restoration and maintenance of urban design, creating social projects, study-color graphics, visual communication and advertising, finding in its artists and the access key to contemporary graphics, increasingly required by large companies.

True Quality works with large corporations, creating synergies in their projects, in order to raise their cultural level.

ISA Italian Street Art, Associazione Italiana Writers Tribù dell'Indice and Xpression will join the Technical Table on Urban Creativity.

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