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September 19, 2009
DTW Toscana, Centro Poliedro, Pontedera (PI)

"Do the Writing! L'Associazionismo per la Creatività Urbana in Toscana" was a cultural event held at the Centro Poliedro in Pontedera, managed and implemented by two UCAs, A3D and Artefacto, in cooperation with the Municipality of Pontedera. The following UCAs attended: Kaleidos (Apulia), Evoluzioni (Naples), Il Cerchio e le Gocce (Turin), Ologram (Padua) and Romagna in Fiore (Forlì). The newborn UCA from Abruzzo, Friends, was also present.

logo A3D – Associazione 3D

“The Spray Art Convention has always put amongst its goals that of using writing as an educational tool, also able to open an effective mediation channel between the young writers and the city”, says Niccolò Giannini, president of A3D, “ The idea to enhance such a participation model, enhanced by having stronger relations with the other UCAs in our areas and in the whole of Italy is for us a great pleasure. Therefore we are both proud and happy to join Do the Writing!”.

logo Artefacto

“Our primary goal is to promote young creative artists and their work”, continues Marco Milaneschi, President of Artefacto “with a priority on reality as writing and street art. We aim to be a bridge, first of all with Tuscan policymakers, involving artists in aesthetical renewal of degraded urban areas and in sensitizing citizens to unjustly criminalized themes and techniques. We will act through quality projects, showing their possible integration and harmony with the socio-historical reality of our wonderful cities.

This event was hosted within the wider VI Edition of the Spray Art Convention festival, promoted by Centro Poliedro and A3D, in cooperation with the Regione Toscana, the regional policymaker for Tuscany, the Office of the Valdera Municipality, the Cooperativa Sociale Il Ponte, Consulta Giovani Pontedera, the youth-related policymaker for Pontedera, and Tagete Edizioni.

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